Passionate about software development and architecture, web and cloud technologies, as well as game development.
How we hacked web technologies to run on a ESP. · You might have read about how (and why!) we use Rust on embedded. If not, go check out my previous...
A review after using Rust on embedded in production for over a year · When I mention that we use Rust on the embedded ESP32 platform the most common...
A review by a Rust enthusiast · I am a big fan of Rust since it provides great tooling and allows me to write code with lots of confidence that it will...
& Why I use Ubuntu as server distribution · When deploying a new Linux server, I always perform the same steps to introduce a basic level of security. In...
Dev containers allow you to open up projects and have them running in a fully pre-configured environment with one click! ... is how I introduced the...
Dev containers allow you to open up projects and have them running in a fully pre-configured environment with one click! It is especially useful if...